sod Seed is initially less expensive than sod. However sod can provide an instant green lawn. Most seed takes up to two weeks just to germinate. Seed lawns will not be mature enough for traffic for about two months. In contrast, sod is typically traffic proof in just a few weeks.

While sod is more labor intensive in the installation process, seeding will require about a two year commitment. A seeded lawn will require extra attention; fertilizing and weed control, watering, reseeding bare spots, and more.

Grounded and Growing’s quality sod is grown by Medina Sod Farms. Medina Sod Farms is a sod provider for the Cleveland Browns. Allow us to transform your barren dirt into a lush green lawn.

Preparing For Your New Lawn

Whether planting seed or laying sod there are important steps to take to protect your investment.

1. Measure the area of the lawn you will be installing. Multiply the length by the width. This is your total square feet. Schedule delivery of your sod after all preparation is completed. It is crucial to install sod on the day of delivery. Seed can be purchased at any time.

2. Prepare the soil. Rototill soil to a depth of about 4 inches. A soil test can be taken to determine any additives needed. Add fertilizer, lime, compost, etc. as determined by the soil test. Remove large rocks and other debris. Roll the area with a light roller. This will firm the soil without over compacting. When installing sod, soil should be 1 inch below walks and drives. If seeding, soil should be level.

3. Install your new lawn. Sod should be installed immediately upon delivery. Stacks of sod should be covered or placed in the shade to prevent drying out. Lay sod with seams staggered in each row. Avoid gaps and overlaps. Small pieces should not be laid as they will dry out too quickly. Sod requires ground contact and moisture to survive. Rolling the entire sodded area will remove air pockets allowing better ground contact. Water within 30 minutes of installing.

Seeded lawns can be installed with a spreader. After spreading the seed, rake the seed into the soil using the back side of a leaf rake. Work the rake back and forth as you drag it across the soil. Straw or peat moss can then be applied to protect the seed. This will help retain moisture and prevent the seed from blowing away. Water upon completion.

4. Water your lawn. Sodded lawns will require 1 inch of water per day until established. After sod is established, watering can be reduced to weekly or as needed. Seeded areas should be moist but not puddled to allow for proper germination.

5. Enjoy mowing your new lawn. It is recommended to mow the first few times at your highest setting. Dull blades can uproot newly seeded lawns. We do not recommend mowing shorter than 2 1/2 inches at any time. Mowing too short will provide the sun that weeds thrive on.

Applying these steps will allow your investment to "GROW". Enjoy!

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